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81 products
At Fly Fishing Market you will find waders of the highest quality.
The majority of today's modern waders are so-called breathable waders, breathable waders keep water out of course, but it also releases the condensation that can form on the inside of the waders. This condensation is released through special membranes in the fabric, and believe it or not, the waders also ventilate underwater.
To stay warm on a cold day with only a pair of breathable waders is to be optimistic, because they insulate poorly. Instead, you can use layers of clothing under the calves adapted to the weather, on a hot summer day a thin undershirt with thin socks is sufficient. On the other hand, if you are going fishing on a winter's day, you need several layers and thick woolen socks to stay warm.
A pair of wading shoes is usually required for wading. One of the advantages of having the waders and shoes separately is that you have the opportunity to choose a pair of really comfortable shoes, many of the best waders on the market today can almost be compared to a good pair of hiking boots.
And don't forget the wader stick, it's what they say is the cheapest life insurance.
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